
Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause.

In that moment between breaths, there is stillness. A moment to reflect, to be present. To connect with oneself and with others.

If we could see and feel that moment of stillness, what would we see? We might see the rise and fall of our own chest, the gentle movement of our breath. We might see the light and shadow dancing on our faces, the sound of our own heartbeat.

We might also see the connection between ourselves and others. The way our breaths are intertwined, the way our bodies are moving in sync. We might see the love and compassion that binds us together.

If all those out breaths paused and considered where they had come from, what stories would they tell? They would tell stories of joy and sorrow, of love and loss, of hope and fear. They would tell stories of our lives, our experiences, our souls.

The collection of drawings grapples with the inhale and exhale of the breath as it travels through the wilderness borderlands of the soul. The artist captures the beauty and mystery of the breath, the way it can both connect us and set us free.


Shelter Series


Anxiolytic Plumbago